Horizontal Axis Wind Turbune
There are centrifugebrakedrum in the front of inside of generator.The centrifugebrakedrum can make the generator output power normally within the range of rated rotate speed at large wind speed,so avoid the wind turbine stopping.The efficiency and safety of full system have been improved for much,and also can protect the controller and inverter,extend the working
life of batteries.
Our hot products have following four series:
1.Vertical axis wind turbine:300W,500W,1KW,2KW,3KW,5KW
2.Vertical low RPM PMG:300W80RPM,500W80RPM,1KW50RPM,2KW50RPM,3KW50RPM,5KW50RPM,10KW50RPM
3.Horizontal axis wind turbine:300W,500W,1KW,2KW,3KW,5KW,10KW
4.Wind and solar hybrid (street lamp) system
We are
China vertical wind turbines manufacturer offer best vertical wind turbines OEM, ODM,service.